Tea Gardens, St Andrews
Cnr Witt & Ogden Sts, Tea Gardens
Phone: 4997 1869
Sunday Worship 8.30am
Op shop Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
8:30am – 12:30pm
Bulahdelah, St Johns
Stroud Street, Bulahdelah
Sunday 10:15am
Op shop Monday 8:30am – 1:00pm
Friday 8:30am – 3pm
Karuah, St Columba’s
Tarean Road, Karuah
7.45am, except 5th Sunday of the month
Tea Gardens - St Stephen’s
Cnr Maxwell & Witt Sts, Tea Gardens
Phone: 0429 260 388
Sunday 1st, 3rd and 5th of the month Mass at 8.30am,
Saturday 2nd and 4th of the month Vigil Mass at 5.00pm
*Please check electronic notice board*
Bulahdelah - St Brigid's
26A Bulahdelah Way, Bulahdelah
Phone: 0429 260 388
Sunday 2nd and 4th of the month Mass 8.30am
Saturday 1st, 3rd and 5th of the month Vigil Mass at 5.00pm
Karuah - Our Lady of the Rosary
Cnr Tarean & Wattle Sts, Karuah
Phone: 0429 260 388
Sunday 2nd and 4th of the month Mass 8.30am
Saturday 1st, 3rd and 5th of the month Vigil Mass 6.30pm.
Tea Gardens
120 Myall Street, Tea Gardens
Minister: Rev. Waisea Logologo
Phone: 0414 639 916
Sunday 9.00am. Morning tea. All Welcome
Taize Service 2nd Thursday 7-7.30 in June, August, October, December.
Toy Library
3rd Thursday and Saturday 9-11am
Creative Music Session
Every Wednesdat 2.30-5pm. All Welcome
Cnr Blanch & Crawford Sts, Bulahdelah
Contact: Thora-Lou Smith 4997 4356
Sunday 9.30am
Tarean Road, Karuah
Minister: Rev. Stephen de Plater
Phone: 4987 2041
Contact: Nancy Gough 4997 5378
Service: Sunday 10.45am
115 Myall Street, Tea Gardens
Elder - Len Roberts 4997 1011
Sundays 10.00am